
Posts Tagged ‘steampunk gadgets’

A. D. Cruize

Arewe’ C. Thereyet

The 42nd Airship Battalion’s Chief Engineer/Sr. Navigator, A. D. Cruize and Sky Marshall, Arewe’ C. Thereyet ran a Make & Take panel at the Steampunk mini-con in Houston, Twisted Gears. They revealed how easily we can turn toy guns into shiny Steampunk weapons.

Cruize and Thereyet came armed with an assortment of plastic toy guns for us to conveniently purchase and make into steampunk weapons to take home. Since plastic is light weight, it’s favorable for steampunk accessories. Keep that in mind when planning your outfit. Metal isn’t light weight or comfortable, especially if you live in a hot, humid climate like Houston, Texas.

You can aquire guns like the ones we used at the dollar store, Goodwill, Salvation Army, flea markets, garage sales or your own home. If you buy a used item, give it a good general cleaning before you paint it.

For those who chose water guns, the first thing they did was pull out the stoppers. Then, Cruise and Thereyet handed out sharpies and markers.  Before we began painting, we used our choice of colored markers to outline anything on the gun we wanted to stand out or define. Then, ready for the Rub’ n Buff, we picked the colors we wanted. Taking just a dab on our finger, we smeared it onto our weapons in a rubbing motion.

Rub ‘n Buff feels smooth and light on your fingertips and is so easy to apply. Made of carnauba waxes, fine metallic powders and select pigments, it gives a metallic appearance to anything you rub it on.  The important thing to remember about Rub ‘n Buff is a little dab will do you. You can find it at your local craft store but you’ll get a better selection of colors online and may find them cheaper there as well.

We started with the intricate parts of the gun. Spreading Rub ‘n Buff on as evenly as we could, we rubbed it over our guns until we reached the desired effect we wanted.

Remember a little bit will go a long way. You can meld the colors together for an interesting effect. If you accidentally get Rub ‘n Buff on an area you don’t want to, just smear a different color of Rub ‘n Buff over it.

Once your gun is dry, take a soft, clean dry cloth and buff it. Just rub it until you bring out the shine. You may want to decorate your gun with gears, charms or feathers. Remember with plastic, you have to follow specific procedures to get stuff to stick to it. For the right paint and adhesive for plastic go to This to That.

Everyone at the Twisted Gears Make & Take did a smashingly brilliant job on their guns and were pleased as punch with the results.  You can make a steampunk gun just as easily. Find guns like the ones your characters use in your books and Steampunk them as props for your own outfits or as giveaways for your readers. Readers love to receive items their favorite authors actually made. Transforming these guns is also a lot of fun.

I love to hear from readers and my fellow Steampunk authors, please comment below.

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Maeve Alpin, who also writes as Cornelia Amiri, is the author of 19 books. She creates stories with kilts, corsets, fantasy and happy endings. Her latest Steampunk/Romance is Conquistadors In Outer Space. She lives in Houston Texas with her son, granddaughter, and her cat, Severus.

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Today we welcome author Kate Milford.

Kate Milford is the author of The Boneshaker, has written for stage and screen, and is a regular travel columnist for the Nagspeake Board of Tourism and Culture. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. To learn more, visit www.clockworkfoundry.com.

Go, Steampunk, Go

by Kate Milford

I always feel like I have to start with a disclaimer when I contribute to anything related to steampunk. My books do tend to have steampunky things in them, but this has less to do with a particular interest in most of what makes steampunk steampunk than it has to do with a thing I have for devices—particularly old ones—and how we use them and think about them. I’m obsessed with antiquated technologies, I love mechanical things, and I like to think about technical theory and philosophy, plus most of what I write is historical, so there does tend to be some overlap with steampunk when I really get going. So as I was planning this post, initially I thought maybe I’d write a little bit about some of the devices I’ve been messing with lately. The post sort of changed about halfway through, though, and I started thinking about why it really is that antiquated technology makes me as happy as it does, and why it has worked its way into just about everything I write.

This wasn’t always the case. I’ve always loved history, but I can’t say I’ve always loved gadgets and technology. (In my head right now, by the way, I’m hearing Kip from Napoleon Dynamite singing but I still love technology…always and forever…)

Vertical Disc2In the time I’ve been thinking about what I might have to contribute to this year’s Steampunkapalooza, I’ve also been decompressing from turning in the first draft of what will be my fourth novel, The Left-Handed Fate (Holt, spring 2015, for those who are curious). Among the things I like to do with the antique stuff I love and the modern stuff that interests me is to take the modern tech ideas and map them back onto the older devices and technologies and practices. (This is how one of my villains in The Broken Lands wound up using a form of hoodoo conjury modeled off of the Linux bootstrap process.) This was a particularly important part of The Left-Handed Fate.

512px-Jacquard_loomIn LHF, the whiff of steampunk comes from what comes in the story to be called the Copley device: a perfect and devastating weapon that my young natural philosopher, Max Ault, believes can end the seemingly endless wars in the Atlantic. Max’s mission is to find the missing bits of the machine’s design specifications and recreate it before Napoleon’s spymasters can. The Copley device was inspired by three things: Jacquard’s looming head, a mythical confection called manus christi, and big old music boxes. For this post, I’m going to set aside talking about antique confectionery, although it’s fascinating and has about as bizarre a history as a fan of bizarre history could wish. Instead, let’s talk about antique information technology.

Anybody who knows anything about the advent of computing knows why Jacquard’s loom is fascinating to someone with a fascination for either steampunk or tech history: the punch cards. Weaving a tapestry, or a piece of wildly complicated brocade takes ages if done solely by hand; each weft thread, potentially, has to pass through a different configuration of warp threads than the one before. With some money and encouragement from Napoleon and building on earlier attempts by several other inventors (including Jacques de Vaucanson, who also happened to be a legendary builder of automata), Joseph-Marie Jacquard created a head that used punch cards to automate the weaving of complicated patterns. Punch cards like these were later one of the advances of Charles Babbage’s analytical engine over his earlier difference engine efforts.

If you’ve read The Difference Engine, of course, you’ll be nodding right along with all of this. If you read my first book, The Boneshaker, you might also recall that the prescriptions given out at Jake Limberleg’s Nostrum Fair and Technological Medicine Show are written on cards with holes in them, which the man in the dispensary pockets for a moment before filling. Punched cards were used for programming and information storage throughout the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth. Herman Hollerith’s machines for tabulating the results of the 1890 US Census are particularly beautiful, if you’re inclined to geek out over things like that (and they have a fascinating and bizarre history of their own, including a thread that leads to a particularly dark place half a century later, after the descendants of Hollerith’s machines were used for Germany’s 1933 census).

Symphonion2Going back to looms, Vaucanson’s loom head, one of the earlier attempts at automated weaving that inspired Jacquard, used a metal drum with teeth, something very reminiscent of the cylindrical brass drums inside of many music boxes. (Excuse the fact that these pictures are out of focus; I think I might have been being a little sneaky when I took them.) Lots of music boxes store their programs on cylindrical drums; others, of course, are stored on disks. I suppose I liked the (blurry) music boxes here because I liked the way they hint at our modern information storage discs.

Plus, they’re just pretty. I like them as objects. They also help me visualize and understand the way we engage with information and technology. I guess that’s one of the things I like best about steampunk—using the trappings of older technologies allows us to have elegant, visual tools to re-imagine current ones. There are some people who can engage meaningfully with, say, lines of code and different programming languages the way others engage with forms of prose and poetry and different spoken and written languages.

I am not one of the former, although the more I learn the more I kind of wish I was. I’m 36; I grew up with computers but I didn’t grow up with them in the same way that my husband did, who is only four years younger than I am (and who also happens to be a world-class web operations engineer, so it could be that it’s not only a difference of four critically-timed years). I’m sort of right in the spot where they’re a perfectly normal part of my life and I assume their necessity and their value, but I only bother about exactly how they work when they don’t work the way I want them to. I can appreciate a really awesome smart phone, and I have definite opinions on Apple versus Android, but the device itself, much like my laptop, is not in any way magical for me. I suspect I’m really not alone in this mindset. Nor are the processes that make either my laptop or my phone run in any way interesting to me.

Except when they are, which is typically when I stop thinking about them as the processes that run my phone and think about them as the processes that might run something older and wildly unfamiliar. Something that has the sheen of the fantastic about it, if only because it is so far outside my experience. Then, out of their normal context, things like programming languages and bootstrap processes and data sorting begin to fascinate, to feel a bit like magic. But more than that, the way we think about technology—the way we build it, the way we use it, the philosophies behind it—also tells us very real, very meaningful things about the way we think and the way we communicate. And toying with technologies in different eras and exploring the social and historical implications of those technologies, of course, offers a whole other assortment of potential revelations and bits of food for thought.

And that, to me, is the great beauty of steampunk—most especially of all, the great beauty of steampunk for young readers. Telling a young reader I’m writing a scene about data sorting…well, there are some kids out there who might think that’s neat. Most won’t. And the message of the scene? Not all information is meaningful. Some is meaningful but only insofar as it allows you to find your way to the information you’re really looking for. And sometimes that information only turns out to be meaningful depending on what you, the reader/interpreter, do with it. Maybe your eyes aren’t glazing over yet, but I wouldn’t judge you if they were. All the same, I think those are really important things for young readers to think about and discuss. And we can find ways to make those ideas interesting, especially with tools like great stories set in great worlds where fantastic tech and trimmings give us new ways to raise discussions and debates that are meaningful to us in our own time and society.

Therefore, the scene in question takes place in an oddball asylum with a girl privateer being coached through the puzzle of a set of whalebone punch cards by a mad spinster who’s literally stained blue from the dying of silk threads. And magically, data sorting is suddenly not boring at all. Suddenly it’s weird and vaguely creepy and potentially awesome.

Go, steampunk.


Twitter: @katemilford

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I’d like to thank everyone who entered the contest.  I was so impressed by everyone’s ideas and creations.

Think Geek donated some of the prizes–and I thank them for their awesomeness.

Here are the winners!

Steampunk Goody Bag

Susan–weaponry from The Rescues of Rosie Crumb

Here is “the weaponry used by my amazing heroine Rosie Crumb in my series of steampunk inspired books called The Rescues of Rosie Crumb. Rosie is a unique heroine: feisty, feminine and fantastic at gunplay. Hopelessly in love with a local farmer who was a hired gun in his previous life, daughter to the billionaire Baron of Boron, this motherless young woman has learned to take care of herself and still finds time to travel the country rescuing and being rescued. Her adventures take her from a finishing school in Boston, MA to the perilous world of the chinese underworld in San Francisco. Along the way she is able to manufacture some interesting gadgets that come in handy during her adventures. Saving runaway horses, trains and children are all in a days work for this western heroine and until she lands the man of her dreams she will keep on with her wild ways.”

Teresa Luong– parachute lantern

“This is a miniature…parachute lantern. You can hang it around your neck. So, literally it’s a necklace! Just flick the switch at the bottom and the flame flickers on. It can’t burn you because there is a transparent cover around the flame. You can’t feel any of the heat either. The cover keeps it cool. It’s a pretty powerful lantern despite the flame size. You can use it as a torch to light your way through darkness or just for decorating. ”


Captain Jules’ Extraordinary Telescope Ring

Jack Baillot—prescription googles & iPhone case

“I was online one day when I saw a Steampunk laptop. Since then I’ve been determined to turn all my electronics Steampunk. I don’t yet have covers for my laptop and Nook to try it on, but I did for my Ipod. Therefore, I glued gears and a clock face to the back of the cover. I don’t suppose everyone will agree, but I feel that all Steampunk users need a lot of clocks. Not just any clocks, but ones that are spinning with a wonderful array of gears.

The goggles I made in a copy to the ones worn by the pilots in my books. This, however, I even better then theirs as these have my own eye glass prescription in them. All I need now is the airplane so I can try them out.”


MindyOsculater Prognosticator

“How many times has a woman (or man) kissed a frog instead of their prince/princess? The Osculater Prognosticator eliminates the guesswork out of who is kissworthy of YOU! You simply enter a room of people at a party, let’s say. You take out your handy dandy Osculater Prognosticator and press the key button on the machine. First a white light comes on to scan you, press the key button again and then a solid red light will come on with flashing red lips just to let everyone know YOU are looking for the right person. You scan the people at the party with the Osculater Prognosticator until the solid red light starts blinking and the person your machine is pointing at is your PERFECT MATCH. The gage/grip also gives you a visual percentage of the match between YOU and you perfect partner. No more guess work & kissing Mr. (or Ms.) ICK.”


Wrist Monocular

Kelli Collins- Steampunk version of the Bladerunner blaster (made by her hubby, she said she didn’t need a prize, but I’m going to give her one because it’s so gosh darn cool –she can always give the prize to him)

“…I thought you might like to see this Steampunk version of the Bladerunner blaster. It’s the hubby’s all-time fave movie and weapon. The blaster was made by him (photo taken by me). All hand-fashioned, nothing machined.”


Grand Prize – ARC and Innocent Darkness prize pack

Stephanie Trujillo – Frosting Gun

“…A girl with steam punk attire holding a cupcake laser/frosting gun.”

Stephanie also drew this awesome cupcake cannon:

Congratulations to all the winners, please contact me at suzannelazear (@) yahoo to claim your prize.

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Happy Friday everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today:


instrument for measuring boiling point of liquids

Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Happy Friday everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today:


an instrument for measuring growth of plants.


Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Happy Friday everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today:


an instrument to determine direction and distance of a fog-horn.

Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Happy Friday everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today:


an instrument for measuring magnetic declination

Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Hi everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today


A device used to find direction through radio signals.


Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Hi everyone,

Here is your steampunk gadget for today!


A device used for describing arcs of circles without compasses.


Stay Steamin’

Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂

Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Hi everyone,

Here’s is your steampunk gadget for today!


An instrument consisting in part of a differential thermometer. It is used for measuring changes of temperature produced by different conditions of the sky, as when clear or clouded.

Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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Hi everyone,

Since I am a scientist and currently very busy with training to be a Science teacher, I thought I’d give you some fun sciences gadgets (modern and old) words to ponder over, maybe give you some ideas for your writing or other Steampunk creative endeavor. Here’s my first for today.


A device used to measure the absorption of light by a gas or a liquid.

Stay Steamin’
Lolita Marie-Claude 🙂
Marie-Claude is not here much these days because when she is not being a Steamed Lolita and writing Steampunk fiction, she is Dr. Bourque, a Physicist, Meteorologist and Oceanographer who is currently very busy working on a Master in Teaching High School Sciences at the University of Washington.

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I’m going to be teaching Writing Steampunk Aether to Zephlin again, this is revised version of the class I taught last November (which was great fun) and a beginner/intermediate overview class covering the basic nuts and bots of writing Steampunk.  It runs July 5 – July 29, 2011 via a private email loop classroom.  The cost is $20.   More info here. 


Writing Steampunk Technology

The trick to writing about technology and your gadgets is to only reveal to the reader what your character might actually know.  Otherwise, it can pull us out of the story, feeling like both an author intrusion and an info dump.

For example, a society lady may give no thought to how something works, only noting that it might be noisy, messy, or shiny.  But an inquisitive child or a scientist might analyze its workings or even come up with improvements in their heads.

But at the same time, this isn’t a license to info dump or spend paragraphs waxing poetic about steam engines (even if it is in character).  Keep in mind – does the reader need to know this and does the reader need to know this now. 

Your technology should be showcased in your steampunk novel, but at the same time, you don’t need to point out or dissect every, single detail.  This screams “See, my novel is steampunk, look, look” and can take the reader out of the story.  Again, think about what your particular character would actually notice, what they may actually know about a particular item, its uses, origins, and inner-workings.

Also, your technology needs to be integral to your world building.  If you can take the tech out of your story, and it still stands, it’s not truly steampunk.

However, it may still have steampunk elements, and if you’re okay with this, then by all means, go for it.  Otherwise you may need to rethink your tech and world and brainstorm on ways to make it stronger.

Here’s a starter list of Steampunk tech here.

How is your tech integral to your world?

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Recently my husband was working on a film and they needed an “alien detector.” So, the hubby, being the creative evil genius he is, made a really neat alien detector out of old toys and bits of things. He brought it on set and the director looks at it, scratches his head and says “It’s nice, but I want it more…Steampunk.”  (Tho, the movie itself isn’t Steampunk.)

So, the hubby when back to the proverbial and built this. It blinks, flashes, and is operated by remote…Pretty good for being made overnight from what was lying around the house.  I’d use it for a prop–Steampunk Alien Hunters, anyone?

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